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This is my now page where I give semi-regular updates on what is going on in my life.

Now that autumn has clearly established itself, I find myself spending more time on personal programming projects. The most visible result is Laebel which is a server which generates automatic README-style documentation site for a Docker Compose project.

I will surely regret saying this, but we’ve been spared from sickness for several months. Even with both kids in preschool plus weekly gymnastics, and me and my wife working, we’ve all stayed healthy.

My focus for this autumn is to stay healthy and try to make small improvements for my well-being. To keep up the workout routine that I’ve managed to establish, and try to avoid booking up every weekend even thought there are so many things that sound like fun.

Other than that, I somewhat permanently:

  • Live in Varberg with a wife and two kids, trying to juggle the everyday life planning.
  • Work at Predicare as senior software developer, developing a medical emergency triage system. (Triage basically means “what patient needs to see the doctor first?”)