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This tag covers topics related to simplifying complex concepts by creating understandable layers, patterns, or models. It includes discussions on design patterns, functional programming, and strategies for making code easier to maintain and communicate.


Algebraic data types 🧩

·14 mins
Compose types and use them to represent complex data in a clean and type safe way.

There is no loop 🥄

Learn to move from imperative while and for loops to declarative collection functions like map and filter.

Testable code is reusable code ♻️

Testability and reusability goes hand in hand. When you test a function, you run the code in another context than it was built for.

Functional foundations ⚙️

·23 mins
A selection of functional programming concepts that I feel are helpful to all developers.



What, how, and why?

Let the method signature describe “what”, the body “how”, and the caller “why”.