I added tags #️⃣

All blog posts on this blog are now marked with one or more tags.
It is an attempt to make the blog more browsable. Not only can you click a tag to see other posts with the same tag, each post also features a “Related reading” (example) section at the bottom which links to other posts with the same tag(s).
At the time of posting, the tags are:
- #softwaredesign: Focuses on principles and practices for creating well-structured and maintainable software. Topics include design patterns, testable designs, strong typing, functional concepts and more.
- #testing: Focuses on the importance testing, discussing both the rationale behind testing, its effects on software design, and various tips and tricks.
- #principles: Explores ideas that guide effective decision-making both in in software development as well as in life.
- #personal: Reflections and personal stories, dealing with topics such as blogging, personal growth, and just stuff about me.
- #planning: Addresses strategic considerations in project management and system design, focusing on prioritization, risk management, and the long-term impacts of decisions.
- #meta: Things about this blog itself, my blogging process, or the way which I build the site.
- #ai: Discusses the potential uses and limitations of AI in conceptual and practical applications.
Feel free to click one or more of the tags to see the corresponding blogs posts.
Updates #
- 2024-05-01: Original post published.
- 2024-05-18: Added the #meta tag.