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Reflections and personal stories, dealing with topics such as blogging, personal growth, and just stuff about me.



No going back 🛑

Sometimes when you make a change, it ends up changing you.

Depth-first development 📋

Follow the original task for as long as it takes to complete it. Keep a list of everything else.

No straight line 🍝

You may not end up where you expected, and you may be glad for it!

Intrinsic motivation 🔥

Is customer satisfaction or commercial success the ultimate measurement of the outcome of my work? Not for me.

A personal website 🏡

This is my place on the Internet, where I get to write what and how I want.

I can be wrong 🤷

Even though you feel completely confident, there is always a slight chance you are wrong.

Time to prove it 🏆

“If you are so smart, and know so much, show me what you have actually contributed!”